If immitation is the best form of flattery ..... well then I was very flattered to walk into a classroom and watch Johnathan having taken my model lesson on teaching the rooms in a house, and having made it his own!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Learning to tell time
Teaching students how to tell time, is one of those types of lessons that can follow the classic lesson plan model of inital student assessment of the concept, followed by direct teacher lead instruction, which moves into guided practice and eventually independent practice.
My direct instruction completed, I moved the class into some guided practice on the whiteboard. |
Pokllasunchis addressing autism
The one-on-one instructional assistant worked with this autistic student in a full inclusion classroom environment at Pukllasunchis. |
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
It´s Bananagram time!
Bananagram is a game quite similar to Scrabble, except that as a whole group plays, the actual Scrabble type board that is created is individual. I was introduced to this game by Gerogianna McBurney, a good friend from my Food For All days, and knew immediately it would be a great teaching tool in Peru. So I bought a whole bunch of Bananagrams to bring along! Great purchase and thank you Georgianna!
Wish I had come up with this game! Fits easily into a suitcase, and carries with it so much educational fun. |
It was fun to watch how the students would look over each other´s word board and help each other spell new word! |
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Co-Teaching: Adverbs!
Johnathan and I have begun some co-teaching. When it comes to teaching grammar ..... well co-teaching is a great way to help students understand the concepts. Okay, let´s get real..... When one is a teenager learning English, how important is it that an adverb such as ¨never¨comes after the verb ¨to be¨and before every other verb!
Elephants in Peru?
So little is really known about the Incan Empire. The language was oral, so no documents were written to give us real details into the lives of the Inca. Yes, the Inca are known for their architectural wonders .... but even within these massive stone wonders, are secrets which even now, continue to mystify those who study and visit these stone marvels.
How else would the Inca have known about elephants and what they looked like?
How to make a sandwich.... the musical version
Last week in one of my English classes at Pulllasurchis Colegio here in Cuzco, I challenged three boys who have their own band, to write a song for the lesson on ¨How to make a sandwich. Here´s what the boys wrote! I was impressed with the music as well as the lyrics.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Special Education students in every class
Colors, shapes and numbers too!
Learning the rooms in a house
Self Reflective Students atColegio Pukllasunchis
Four times per year, students are ask to reflect on their school experience. The student's reflection is sent home to their parents along with their grades for the last quarter. |
Cuzco secondary school traditional danse competition
After teaching English on Wednesday, I went to the El Centro to watch the competition of the secondary school students in a city wide traditional danse competion. |
The competition actually went on for two days. Tuesday for the very young children. Then Wednesday morning the primary school students competed. |
Colorful! |
A great deal of hand work went into thes outfits. |
Masked danser with the flag of Cuzco. |
How bright! |
Focused on the competition. |
The hats! Everyone group had a different style of hat.. and the colors! Oh the colors! |
Living the Co-Teaching Model
Cuzco... from stark to enchanted!
Co-Teaching: How to............
With the World Cup games going on, this group of students were not that interested in this lesson! They all wanted to go and watch the games.... Who could blame them! |
Johnathan, the Intern like teachers I'm Co-Teaching with, was not sure how to proceed with the lesson. I wasn't sure either as I looked around the classroom. |
Massive Inca stones... achitectural wonder!
Monday, June 14, 2010
Drawing and Special Education Students
The lesson was a big hit! Two of the 12 students in this class were Special Education. I´m guessing their processing delays might put them in a Multiple Handicapped Classroom in the States. |
English through art
Fun class using art as a way of building new vocabulary. After writing ¨mountains¨on the whiteboard, I asked students to draw mountsin, then two rivers, five fish... and so on and so forth. |
Saturday, June 12, 2010
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