If you could be something other than a teacher, what would it be?

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Pokllasunchis addressing autism

The one-on-one instructional assistant worked with this autistic student in a full inclusion classroom environment at Pukllasunchis.
I was fascinated with the full inclusion model at Pukllasunchis Colegio.  Surrounded by a classroom of regular education students, this autistic student was engaged in a modified lesson based on what the other students were learning.  Although he did not directly engage with the other students, he was still part of the regular education classroom.
I was amazed to see this autistic student use this visual chart, developed by Pukllasunchis Colegio,  to assist him with his daily schedule.  I noticed that before the lesson began, the student refered to this chart to verify for himself,  what activity he should be doing that period.  This kind of chart is a great tool to help an autistic student to self manage their schedule in an effort to gain a level of independence.

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