If you could be something other than a teacher, what would it be?

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

It´s Bananagram time!

Bananagram is a game quite similar to Scrabble, except that as a whole group plays, the actual Scrabble type board that is created  is individual. I was introduced to this game by  Gerogianna McBurney, a good friend from my Food For All days, and knew immediately it would be a great teaching tool in Peru.  So I bought a whole bunch of Bananagrams to bring along!  Great purchase and thank you Georgianna!

Wish I had come up with this game!  Fits easily into a suitcase, and carries with it so much educational fun.

Divided the class into groups of 6 to 7, each roup with its own Bananagram.  After I explained the basics of how to play Bananagram,  the students began making words in English and building their own individual Scrabble board.
It was fun to watch how the students would look over each other´s word board and help each other spell new word!

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